YOKOGAWA ND220 Ai/DeviceNet Converter |
YOKOGAWA ND220 Ai/DeviceNet Converter
The Model ND220 Ai/DeviceNet Converter converts 16 inputs of 1 to 5V DC analog signals from signal conditioner - Yokogawa's JUXTA VJ Series or D Series - to digitals signals (0 to 10000), and transmits them via the DeviceNet to PLCs those support DeviceNet.
* "DeviceNet" is a registered trademark of ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.).
- Up to 16 JUXTA VJ Series or D Series signal conditioners (with Mounting Nest) can be used.
- 16-point of 1 to 5 V DC inputs with ±0.1% of full scale accuracy and 320 ms input cycle.
- For instrument with 16 analog inputs read-out configuration profile (available in standard).
- Digital read-out count: 0 to 10000 (User defined within the range of -30000 to +30000 when ordering).
- Designed for either wall mounting or DIN-rail mounting.